Events, Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences

Details about recent and upcoming events related to the collaboration can be found below:

  • Siegel modular forms in the LMFDB working group

    Nov 16 - 19, 2023

    Collaboration research scientists Eran Assaf, Fabien Cléry, and Jean Kieffer are spearheading an initiative to expand Siegel modular forms in the L-functions and Modular Forms Database. This meeting at ICERM will focus computational work supporting this project.

  • LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory (LuCaNT)

    Jul 10 - 14, 2023

    ICERM hosted the workshop LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory (LuCaNT).  The organizing committee includes John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, and collaboration PIs Andrew Sutherland and John Voight. The focus was the LMFDB, mathematical databases, computation, number theory, and arithmetic geometry. The conference included invited talks, presentations by authors of papers submitted to the conference and selected by the scientific committee following peer-review, as well as time set aside for research and collaboration. Accepted manuscripts are posted here.

  • Hilbert Modular Forms Infrastructure Week 4

    May 8 - 12, 2023
    Dartmouth College

    The goal of the workshop is to refine algorithms for computing graded rings of Hilbert modular forms, with application to computing (log) canonical models of Hilbert modular surfaces.

  • Arithmetic, Algebra, and Algorithms at ICMS

    Apr 10 - 14, 2023

    Collaboration PI John Voight is organizing this meeting at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences. It brings together leading and early career researchers on arithmetic statistics and algorithmic aspects of algebra and number theory. The workshop will celebrate the mathematics of Hendrik W Lenstra Jr. Speakers include collaboration PIs Bjorn Poonen and Andrew Sutherland.

  • Simons Collaboration Annual Meeting

    Jan 11 - 12, 2023
    New York City

    The 2023 Annual Meeting will feature presentations by Edgar Costa, Wei Ho, Robert Lemke-Oliver, Wanlin Li, David Roe, and David Zureick-Brown.

  • Collaboration special session at the JMM

    Jan 4 - 7, 2023
    Boston, MA

    Collaboration PIs Jennifer Balakrishnan, Bjorn Poonen, and Andrew Sutherland will organize an AMS special session “Arithmetic geometry informed by computation” at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston. It is scheduled for 8-12 and 1-6 on Wednesday, January 4 and 8-12 on Thursday, January 5.

  • Hilbert Modular Forms Infrastructure Week 3

    Dec 12 - 16, 2022
    Dartmouth College

    Several members of the collaboration, including PI John Voight, are meeting again to develop infrastructure for computing Hilbert modular forms and a database of Hilbert modular surfaces surfaces and their geometric invariants. The organizers are Eran Assaf, Edgar Costa, and John Voight; please contact [email protected] with any questions.

  • Modular curves workshop 2

    Nov 5 - 9, 2022

    Several members of the collaboration, including PIs Jennifer Balakrishnan and Andrew Sutherland, are meeting again to develop a database of modular curves, their geometric invariants, and rational points. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

  • Andrew Sutherland

    Arf lecture to be delivered by Sutherland

    Oct 13, 2022
    Middle East Technical University

    Collaboration PI Andrew Sutherland will deliver the 2022 Arf lecture at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey.  He will speak on Diophantine computations including recent work on Mordell’s 1953 question on integral solutions to x3+y3+z3=3.

  • Sutherland to speak at Mordell 2022

    Aug 15 - 19, 2022
    Cambridge, UK

    Collaboration PI Andrew Sutherland and affiliated researchers Joseph Silverman and Jan Vonk will speak at the Mordell 2022 conference at University of Cambridge. “2022 marks the centenary of Mordell’s 1922 paper On the Rational Solutions of the Indeterminate Equations of the Third and Fourth Degrees, in which Mordell both established the foundational result in the arithmetic of elliptic curves (finite generation of rational points), and proposed what later became Mordell’s Conjecture (and subsequently Faltings’ Theorem).”

  • ANTS XV program announced

    Aug 8 - 12, 2022
    Bristol, UK

    The Fifteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium will be held at the University of Bristol August 8-12. Eleven manuscripts accepted for this meeting have authors supported or affiliated with the collaboration, including Eran Assaf, Shiva Chidambaram, Edgar Costa, Alex Cowan, Juanita Duque-Rosero, Noam Elkies, David Harvey, Daniel Hast, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Wanlin Li, Oana Padurariu, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight.

  • Number theory informed by computation

    Jul 17 - Aug 6, 2022

    The Park City Mathematics Institute and MSRI will sponsor a three-week graduate school, co-organized by collaboration PIs Jennifer Balakrishnan and Bjorn Poonen. It will feature 11 mini courses, including offerings from David Harvey, Joseph Silverman, and Andrew Sutherland.